Sunday, May 06, 2007


I see a complete and total screwjob, facilitated by unquestioning obedience by a small percentage, and criminal disengagement by much of the remainder... DUHHHH!You know how comedians, funny as they are, are quite often actually really kind of angry? Read on!, as the amazing Onion magazine makes predictions about Big Daddy Dubya at the start of his first term! or better yet, read this linked one and be amazed at the prescience! If only the prognosticators at The Bush Administration had a success rate this high. Or even a success rate at all.

props to Contrary Brin


Anonymous said...

doesn't all good comedy come from a place of anger or frustration? Forgot where I read it but there was some journalist that made the claim about good journalism, that it comes from deep sense of rage/outrage.

rev. billy bob gisher ©2008 said...

have you seen the news?

daveawayfromhome said...

Rev? Ummm... no?