Okay, forget "seems". I wouldnt trust the Bush Administration with my garbage collection. In fact, I find that I use terms such as "Lord Bush and his Cabal" far less than I used to, simply because "Bush Administration" seems epithet enough.

"You will never find anybody who can give you aHey guess what? Turns out now that Dave's got scientific backing for his humor. See, for years, most of Indiana didnt switch over to daylight savings time. Until 2006, that is, which gave a couple of researchers from UC-Santa Barbara a chance to compare electric use before and after the change...
clear and compelling reason why we observe daylight-saving time."
Dave Barry
Their finding: Having the entire state switch to daylight-saving time each year, rather than stay on standard time, costs Indiana households an additional $8.6 million in electricity bills. They conclude that the reduced cost of lighting in afternoons during daylight-saving time is more than offset by the higher air-conditioning costs on hot afternoons and increased heating costs on cool mornings.Seriously, who's surprised. Most people find the switch back and forth to be a pain in the ass, especially when you and the kids start those March mornings off in the dark. I've heard that the primary reason that we're stuck with this stupid system is for the benefit of businesses, which gain an increased hour of daylight for people to shop and recreate in, but I'm not sure if this is true or just cynicism (but according to Wikipedia, it was "the Sporting Goods Manufacturers Association and the National Association of Convenience Stores [who] successfully lobbied for the 2007 extension to U.S. DST."
"Tell me and I'll forget.
Show me and I'll remember.
Involve me and I'll understand."
Do you see it? I'm sure my regular readers see, it, but I'll spell it out for Republicans and casual passers-by: Never once does the letter ask if anything worthwhile is being done with the money or complain that the money will be wasted in graft, fraud and various forms of corruption (which it well may). No, their complaint is that old whine of the immature, "but what about my needs!?"If you live in North Dallas we urge you to VOTE NO for the 2008 DISD Bond Election.
The DISD Board has chosen to put a 1.3 billion dollar bond program on the table.
The taxes of an average $1.2 million dollar home in Preston Hollow will go up by at least $600 a year.
Why should we pay this when we can't use the schools?
Why should we pay this when the DISD won't announce what any of the schools in our area (Preston Hollow, Pershing, Kramer, Franklin, Hillcrest, Nathan Adams, Withers, Marsh, W.T. White) are going to get out of this bond package?
There are no specific line items for any of the above schools in the bond package even though Preston Hollow pays a majority of the DISD property taxes coming from residential property taxes. Why is the DISD short changing us? Our schools need plenty of upgrades, additional classrooms, etc... Our schools need to be given back to us the residents of Preston Hollow.
Drive by W.T. White and see for yourself how North Dallas has been left out of past bond programs and will be left out of this one also.
Drive by Kramer Elementary School and count the 25 plus portable buildings there. 95% of the students at Kramer come from the apartments behind the shopping center at Meadow and Central.
Why should we pay this to still see portable buildings at what should be our neighborhood schools?
Why should we pay this when less than 5% of the neighborhood kids actually use these schools?
The DISD needs a message from North Dallas and Preston Hollow Homeowners - and that message is we are tired of supporting all of the other kids in Dallas and not being able to use our schools.
1) Just as important as having experience yourself is to have experienced people advising you. There's no need to know everything if you have a qualified staff that you delegate well to. Yes, the ultimate responsibility still rests with you, but if your staff is good and you actually listen to them, things should go well if you are smart enough.The preceeding should not be taken as an endorsement of Obama. I'd prefer him, but mostly because I dont want to give Ann Coulter another Clinton to continue her career with, and because Clinton's idea of national health care is to make everybody subsidize the Insurance companies rather than just those who can afford it. Still, either one of them would be okay, and I'm pretty sure that even John McCain wouldnt be the clusterfuck that we call King George and his Cabal of Doom.
2) "Experience" is not the same as wisdom. The Bush Administration is filled with "experienced" people (Cheney and Rumsfeld have been around since the Nixon years), but that didnt stop them totally fucking up the country.