Monday, April 18, 2011

quote for the day

"To truly teach is to instill the values and knowledge which promote the common good and protect a society from the folly of historical amnesia. The utilitarian, corporate ideology embraced by the system of standardized tests and leadership academies has no time for the nuances and moral ambiguities inherent in a liberal arts education. Corporatism is about the cult of the self. It is about personal enrichment and profit as the sole aim of human existence. And those who do not conform are pushed aside."

Chris Hedges, Truthdig, Why the United States Is Destroying Its Education System.

I see nothing in this article that isnt true, or at the very least, unconfirmable but quite, quite plausible. And it is part of why I believe America is doomed to become a third rate power in the years before I die. If you are a parent, encourage your children to learn whatever portable skills they can, and to take them elsewhere.

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