Spengler's Universal Law #20: "Democracy only gives people the kind of government they deserve."
David P. Goldman
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
quote for the day
"On the internet, you can be anything that you want.
It's strange that so many people choose to be stupid."
It's strange that so many people choose to be stupid."
Sunday, June 24, 2012
Sunday, June 17, 2012
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
a thought
So I had this idea the other day after reading about widespread cannibalism in parts of Europe during the 30 Years War:
You know how there's this zombie craze going on these days. Well, what if it's really a mass premonition of civil war working itself out in our cultural art? I mean, think about what a civil war would be like in this country should we have one. No neat North/South division for us this time. And our food is rarely locally grown, so an interruption in food supplies would be inevitable, as would shortages of pretty much everything else. We are no longer a locally supplied society.
So, now imagine a starving populace, war-torn and without most basic health-care stuffs. We'd be gaunt, and perhaps bloody. Many would have wounds or sores. And we'd be hungry. Once we'd run out of food, and local wildlife, and pets, where might at least some of us turn?
You know how there's this zombie craze going on these days. Well, what if it's really a mass premonition of civil war working itself out in our cultural art? I mean, think about what a civil war would be like in this country should we have one. No neat North/South division for us this time. And our food is rarely locally grown, so an interruption in food supplies would be inevitable, as would shortages of pretty much everything else. We are no longer a locally supplied society.
So, now imagine a starving populace, war-torn and without most basic health-care stuffs. We'd be gaunt, and perhaps bloody. Many would have wounds or sores. And we'd be hungry. Once we'd run out of food, and local wildlife, and pets, where might at least some of us turn?

Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Sunday, June 10, 2012
Saturday, June 09, 2012
Tuesday, June 05, 2012
Monday, June 04, 2012
monday public service announcement
You've probably heard about this: Nick Hanauer, who describes himself as a "super-rich" entrepreneur, gave a TED talk about taxing the rich. For some reason, TED deemed it too "controversial" for release. Naturally, once the Internet heard about this, then the video was lobbied for and released. Now you can watch it here, among other places.
It'd be nice if this caught on with the general public, but it's fighting an uphill battle to do so. Let's hope the message is heard during the next generation, possibly in whatever country the smartest of our children flee to.
It'd be nice if this caught on with the general public, but it's fighting an uphill battle to do so. Let's hope the message is heard during the next generation, possibly in whatever country the smartest of our children flee to.
Sunday, June 03, 2012
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