Wednesday, July 16, 2008

reading assignment

If there is one meme that needs to be gotten out about the Republican Party, one meme that summarizes their economic policies to a "t", then this is it:

Privatize Profit and Socialize Loss

Everything they do, from trickle-down economics to wars-by-choice result in this, and we pay for it. Read on...

I should probably point out that the link above, along with the instruction "read on", was supposed to direct you to an article in the Nation about the bailout of the banking industry. It does direct you there, but I'm not sure that I was clear about that. The cartoon below was just something I put in the post because I liked it, though in retrospect I could have found a better image to use here and saved this one for a diatribe about healthcare later on. Oh well.

Another addendum:

Robert Riech has a good suggestion.

Hey, how's that privatization thing workin' out for ya?
props to Kel for the article.


Anonymous said...

aw c'mon man, even for a partisan this has holes one could fly a jumbo-jet through.

Daniel Hoffmann-Gill said...

No way, I love it, reflects the knee-jerk of US fears of a health care system.

daveawayfromhome said...

Which has holes? The article or the cartoon? I'll admit that the cartoon was a knee-jerk reaction by me (I saw, I copied, I posted).
Still, Daniel's got it right. Much of what has made America great has been "socialized", from the water system to education. Why are we so afraid of socialized things? Didnt we win the Cold War? Is Europe such a cess-pit of wasted money? Communist Cuba does downright astonishing things in health-care considering the shoe-string budget that the whole country runs on. Is that what we fear? Surely we can do better than the parasitic insurance-based health care system we have now?

As for the a bail-out of the failed banking industry, again, how else to describe it? Bankers made millions in fee when things were good, and now it's time for them to pay the price for their lack of foresight. Except, oh, wait! I guess they wont have to pay after all, the taxpayers will pick up the tab.
They make the profit, we get the debt.