Having grown up during the Reagan years, I'm well acquainted with the whole Revelations-Doomsday-Apocalypse thing. I dont believe it, but I'm aquainted with it.
Unfortunately, I know there are a lot of people out there who do believe it, some of them officeholders. So I've got a question for you:

What world leader can you think of that seems to always come down on the side of Chaos and War? Iran's President Ahmadinejad, perhaps? Perhaps, but he doesnt have much power to be seen all over the world, and despite his high office, the real rulers in Iran are still the clerics.
No, we need someone who leads the world, not just sways public opinion in the Muslim world. Some one who holds real power, and is gathering more of it. Someone with his finger on the button, so to speak.
You can see where I'm going with this, cant you? You're probably getting pretty steamed at my suggestion that our Great and Godly President is instead the Beast. So I ask you, how exactly has George Bush shown himself to be a Godly Man?
By his confession of Faith? Hey, guess what? I believe in God and Jesus, praise His name! See how easy that was?
I know, it's because he opposes things such as abortion and stem cell research, right? Well, so what. The Antichrist could do that to. After all, it's really just trading "innocent" deaths now for potentially guilty or painful early deaths later on, all the better for dear old Dad. A win-win scenario, if I ever heard one.
Is it because he supports Israel, land of God's Chosen People? Doesnt that apply equally well to Ted Kennedy, whom many Conservatives view as the 2nd cousin to the Antichrist?
Let's go back to the phrase I used earlier: Chaos and War. Since he's been in office, has George Bush done anything that hasnt led to chaos or conflict.
It could be argued that 9-11 occured on his watch because he ignored warnings of imminent attack in favor of concentrating on tax cuts (tax cuts which he achieved, by the way, and which will lead to great hardship for our children, should any survive).
The military is stretched thin fighting a unwinnable war (poorly planned from the start) in a place we never should have gone in the first place, where the use of torture has been routine.
Remember Katrina? FEMA turned away voluteers! Need I say more?
And how about that Medicare Prescription "reform"? Chaos bureaucratized.
Or maybe No Child Left Behind, which makes it illegal to kick disruptive children out of public (but not private) schools.
Please, please show me something good that has come out of the Bush Administration, something uniquely his, please! Something that the Democrats couldnt possibly have come up with, something Positive, not negative.
I dont think you can, because Lord Bush and his Cabal dont do Positive. They are not about the Possible, they are about the Forbidden. Taxes to pay for public services? Forbidden! Potentially life-saving medical research using human cells which are doomed anyway? Forbidden! Unions between two people who love each other and wish to commit that love legally? Forbidden! if they arent one man and one woman (so explain why this bunch still exists) Sharing of music which you probably would never have bought anyway? Forbidden! and with heavy penalties, too.

How anyone can call himself a Man of God, then support the bombing of civilians and the destruction of infrastructure used by guilty and innocent alike? How can a "good man" say peace can only be talked about if the other side gives up, and otherwise not just let, but approve of the continued killing?
If God really has seen George's message, and approves of it, then God is an Asshole.
Now, I'm about done here for now. I'll leave you with something I found, which gives a different twist to the apocalypse. I think you'll enjoy it, assuming you're not a True Believer. If you are, then you might want to give it some thought anyway.
Oh, one last thing for all the Apocalyptophiles out there: Supposing the antics of your Boy do lead to Armageddon? Suppose a nuclear exchange is made, madness sweeps the globe, armies march and billions die? And suppose as all this is going on, you're sitting there in your I ♥ Jesus t-shirt, waiting to be lifted up to Heaven, and He never comes?
Maybe, even so, you'll still believe in a coming Day of Judgement, when you stand before God and have your life shown to you before recieving your Just Reward. Ask yourself this, will you have worked for Love and the betterment of your fellow humans? Or will you have judged them inferior, worthy of death, and then worked to make sure they got what you felt was their due? For your sake, I hope you're right, and God really is as big a prick as the tiny little box you've stuffed him into allows him to be.
But I doubt it.
Okay, one last question. If your goal was the distruction of all of God's work, and you took malicious pleasure in that destruction, then where would you have your minions concentrate a lot of their efforts? What could bring you greater pleasure than to turn the Instrument of God to the destruction of his Work?
Then ask yourself this: how many of our current supposedly Christian Leaders actually follow the teachings of Jesus, and how many of them follow a dogma twisted from the Old Testement which has nothing to do with the Love and Acceptance preached by the Son of God?
Oh, never mind. You're not listening. Because you know, dont you. Someone told you, and you believe.