Wednesday, August 05, 2009

a proposal

and, boy, is it ever!
Okay, so here's a crazy idea: Let's go to a single payer system that covers the basics of health-care, and incorporates so-called "rationing" (i.e., not throwing money at a patient until they die) which thereby keeps the costs down, and let insurance companies go back to what they are supposed to be doing, which is being a fallback* in case of a catastrophe, rather than a indisposable facet of everyday life. Then everybody gets healthcare at a reasonable price, insurance companies still get to make money off of insurance premiums, and hopefully everybody wins.

* Said fallback, in this case, being coverage for medical procedures that are not covered by the government program.

1 comment:

Daniel Hoffmann-Gill said...

I'm in on that, where do I sign?