Warren Buffet's investing in rail. This cant be good for the rest of us, because rail's value grows as the cost of fuel goes up. Diesel tractor-trailers are faster, but thirstier. With low fuel prices, we choose speed over efficiency, but raise prices high enough, and the choice goes the other way. If you dont think that Warren Buffet doesnt have a finger on the pulse of things such as oil prices, then that may explain why you arent one of the richest people in the world. Remember, to a certain extent, all the big players are inside traders, because they have access to information that the rest of us wont have until we get it in the grocery line.
We could so with some of that kind of investment in our rail infrastructure.
Oh, there's no investment of that kind here that I'm aware of. He's just placing a large bet on the rail industry. They really need to come up with a way to differentiate between putting money into creating something new (which I would call investment) and betting money on a stock. The former builds the racetrack, the other pays its owners.
Yes, you're right, missed that all together.
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