Tuesday, March 31, 2009


so weary, head so heavy with the weight of pure bullshitLast night I was reading yet another absurd anti-Obama complaint at Saur's site, and I was halfway through writing a rebuttal of sorts, but I just stopped in the middle of it, and left the page. I'm just tired of it. I dont want to play the game anymore, and as long as "conservatives" continue to act like children denied "their" candy (and as long as America recognizes this childishness at the polls), I dont have to. It's one thing to rail against idiotic behavior by the GOP when they are in charge of things, but they aren't now.
Someday they'll be back, and while it'd be nice if they learn a lesson or two between now and then, they probably wont have. Until then, I may have to find something new to blog about, because I'm tired of beating up on the loser (despite the beating being well deserved).

This does not include the War Crimes of the Bush Administration, by the way. Or any other crimes, for that matter. Those are issues that now fall to the Obama administration to correct, and if they do not adhere to the Rule of Law in those cases, then they are no better than those who committed the crimes in the first place.


Unknown said...

One of the writers for Sirens Chronicles quit last week because she didn't like my pov about the Afghan War and Obama's campaign promise to ratchet up said war.

Difference of opinion is usually a good thing...but apparently she is a militant Lefty and doesn't appreciate anyone that isn't the same way.

Daniel Hoffmann-Gill said...


I know, I nearly did the same but there is part of me that can't just let the bullshit past.

I don't know what bugs me more, the writing or the denial that it is in anyway prejudice and bias.

She cries moderate all the time and when Buish was in power she was a moderate but with Obama in she has swung to the right by a fair degree.

I wonder if this is the pattern all across the US? Hope not, I was hoping Obama and who ever follows ushers in a new era of down the middle politics.


Everyone can have an opinion but it's when people mascarade it as something more and quite simply make stuff up that fits their own views on the subject/person.

Omnipotent Poobah said...

Me and you both brothah

daveawayfromhome said...

I'm sure I'll get over it, but for now it just seems like a big, fat waste of time. Better to sit back and let the GOP tear itself apart, and then hope that whatever arises from the ashes is sane.

Meanwhile, Obama's bunch seem to be doing enough to irritate me (not on the same scale, but enough to merit complaints, suggestions, and just plain kvetching).