Sunday, May 21, 2006

it's not a tag if it's voluntary

I stole this meme from Sherry, partly because I find the subject fascinating, partly because it's short and sweet...

Three Guilty Pleasures:

1) Ponytails (sooo sexy, but wife has none, thus guilt)

2) Accordian Music. no, really.

3) Romantic Comedies. In book form.


Me said...

Your writing is oftentimes political, and all I feel informed enough to add is a stupid "Yeah!" However, I read the post on my blog and then came here and it was here again and I've gotta ask "Accordian music, Dave?"

Omnipotent Poobah said...

I was stuck in an airport once with a huge accordion band named "Those Damned Accordions".

I gotta say I'm not usually a fan, but Stairway to Heaven played by 50 accordions in a crowded airport was a great way to pass the time.

Not a polka in the repetoire either.

Xira said...

Wow, thanks for the advice, yo. I really think I am my own person and let people now, but it's hard to just be best friends and step back in the same conversation, you know? Oh well.

Xira said...

I like the subtitle "it's not a tag if it's voluntary" mind if I use it? I'll give you credit!

daveawayfromhome said...

Yes, Sherry, accordian music. Perverse, I know, but sometimes it can be quite nice. Maybe I'll post an MP3 or something. Or check out this album.

Pooby, that sounds... fascinating (image a classic raised eyebrow here). Polka is for pikers.

xira, life's a bitch, but it's a beautiful bitch, and the harder path is always the more interesting.

United We Lay said...

1. Coffee and chocolate
2. writing that no one ever sees
3. fine dining (when we can afford it)

NEWSGUY said...

Definition of an optimist: An accordian player with a beeper.

But seriously folks, isn't accordian music a TEXAS thing? By way of Northern Mexico?

One more item: You should read the followup to the thing Dave points you to on why Republicans win and Dems lose so often...a few posts under the current one.