let's blame BushMy response, the one I sent in, was to reprint almost the entire letter, word for word, but change the last sentence to "One can only hope that the media, which vigorously blamed his administration for high prices, will pursue with equal enthusiasm this reduction as incredibly cynical pre-election price manipulation". I mean seriously, can there be all that much doubt. Have things calmed down all that much in the middle east? Has our relationship with Venezuela changed? Have the Iranians suddenly become less belligerent? Have the Chinese switched to solar power?
Gas goes up, gas goes down. Six weeks ago, it was high. Now it's dropping fast and might get below $2 per gallon before long. If President Bush was responsible for the summer's high prices, he must also be guilty for this dramatic drop. One can only hope that the media, which vigorously blamed his administration for high prices, will pursue with equal enthusiasm this reduction as the president's fault, too.
Roger Roney, Flower Mound
No, but which party is starting to sound really worried about the outcome of the next election, less than two months away? Could it be the party of George Bush and Dick Cheney, the oilman's friends, the party which has stood by while Americans suffered at the pump while under the rule of Lord Bush and his oiley Grand Vizer? Listen to this quote from Dead-Eye Dick:
Let us rid ourselves of the fiction that low oil prices are somehow good for the United States¿Que?!!! Just how narrow is Dick Cheney's vision of the United States. I must not be included in it, because I know that low oil prices were great for me. Certainly, the rise in oil prices in the last few years havent been good for anyone else America, unless you're an oil company executive or stockholder (and you better have a lot of shares, or any profits you made will be burned up driving to the bank to cash in your dividend check).
-Washington D.C., Oct. 1986
There's an easy way to tell, of course. Just wait. This Thanksgiving, when Karl's cunning and Diebold's deceit will narrowly allow the GOP to squeek by another two years without any messy congressional investigations, watch the gas prices head back up again. They'll blame it on "high demand for the holidays", or some ruckus in Iran, but we'll know. Oh yes, we'll know. And maybe, just maybe, we'll remember.
Interestingly, I find that in the summer of 2000, gas prices were up pretty high, especially, it seems, in "blue" state urban areas. Republicans blamed Clinton (naturally). Believe it or not, they're still blaming him. Then, in 2003, after a respite, prices began climbing again, shortly after Republican majorities took office in the Senate, House and state governor's offices. I'm sure that's just a coincidence, though. Right?
I blame him. I blame him for my hangnail, traffic on the way to work, and messy apartment too. It's almost become fun blaming him... if it were a drinking game, I'd have ben checked into a rehabilitation center years ago...
And what about this oil reserve found in the Gulf of Mexico? How is it that "we won't see relief from gas prices any time in the near future"? More blame delegated to that monkey and brigade of satanists he's in cahoots with... Cheers.
I dont know how much oil's in the Gulf, but it doesnt, ultimately, matter. We're playing a losing game here. For instance, if we were to use only the oil in the ANWR area, as Repubs keep insisting we should, it would only last a little while (oil reserves there are estimated at 11 billion barrels while we use approxiately 8 billion barrels a year). How long can we go on using as much of the worlds production as we do (25%)? We're acting like stupid college freshmen bingeing on their first credit card.
What Sherry said.
Although, I have to say in one way, Dick is kinda right about it being good.
I've said for years that if our prices went up to the same level as European prices it might force some of the ninnies driving Super Hummers to stop and get enough righteous indignation going to force the crapweasels to do something about alternative fuels.
Foiled again!
Do you remember the days way before Bush even became governor here in Texas? How the hell did he get to be president? What a bad trip. I miss Ann Richards as governor and I'm certainly going to miss her not even being out there. But I'm still pissed at her for blowing the governor's race. RIP.
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