... to Kevin Phillips as he tells you that the American Century is done. Why? Because we've become a nation who's economy is based on finance, rather than industry and trade. That, basically, what we produce is debt, rather than goods. This was apparently true of the Dutch and English Empires also - at their ends.
Incidentally, if you click on the image, you can see who owns our asses. Bear in mind,
one quarter of that debt money is the
Iraq War.
I agree with him completely.
yeah, kind of sad, isnt it? It also doesnt bode well for the ordinary folk, because the people with all the money now arent going give any of "their" money up, and somebody's going to have to lose some (heaven forbid all the nation share the cost (just 99% of it), or, better, that those whose policies have brought us to this point bear the brunt of its cost).
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