If this tells you anything about the curent state of Congress and the enabling of the Republican Gang by the apparently almost as criminal Democratic Lapdogs, a recent
FAUX poll showed that Republicans had a higher opinion of Congress than Democrats did (see page 5).
Is anyone really surprised by this? Following betrayal after betrayal by the Democratic leadership in congress, no one ought to be. I can only hope that Nancy Pelosi gets ridden out of the speaker chair on a rail come January, 2009.
props to the Liberal Doomsayer.
No surprises, but you notice EVERYONE disapproves of them more than the chimp. That's some powerful bad juju!
And well deserved. I'm working on a post right now speculating that perhaps protesting and rioting is more likely under the Democrats than under the Republicans. I'm guessing this because while the Republicans pretty much did what we elected them to do (though we later changed our minds), the Democrats have pretty much not done what we elected them to do, and have, in fact carried on the work of the Republicans which we elected the Democrats to end.
And with the primaries over, and our only other real choice more Republicans, we're screwed. That's not really the kind of thing that sets well with people, especially people who can see their comfortable bubble starting to burst.
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