Wednesday, December 03, 2008

memes to me

This is a quiz harvested from Samurai Frog, who in turn got it from Byzantium's Shores. The idea in front is to bold the things you've done. Incidentally, this was not a tag, I just felt like doing it on my own.
Have you...

Gone on a blind date

Skipped school in college, for sure. Not before, though, I dont think.

Watched someone die

Been to Canada

Been to Mexico once... oh wait, there was that time I crossed the Rio Grande down in Big Bend. No, really.

Been to Florida

Been to Africa

Been on a plane: a single round trip in a jet, and single flight in a Cessna

Been lost, never for long, though

Gone to Washington, DC once on a school trip (aforementioned jet flight) and once driving through in the middle of the night after a wrong turn.

Swam in the ocean: The Gulf of Mexico is like a lovely warm soup.

Broken a bone: Be forewarned, kids! Do not play tag on a metal merry-go-round in the winter. They're slippery.

Been in a traffic accident twice, but not while I was driving

Cried yourself to sleep: Of course not, I sprung from the womb full grown and manly - there will be no weeping

Been on TV when I was a college freshman, my fraternity pledge class threw a party. A news crew showed up as part of a story on teen drinking. It was a pretty good party, all in all.

Stole traffic signs: one "no parking" sign. I'm very sorry.

Played cops and robbers

Recently colored with crayons: crayons rock! They're also capable of wonderful, subtle tones... in the right hands (not mine, sadly).

Sang Karaoke

Paid for a meal with coins only

Done something you told yourself you wouldn't: When I moved south, I swore I would never say "y'all", wear a cowboy hat, or have a pair of cowboy boots. All three vows have fallen. This is in addition to the usual "that's not a toy" and "if your friends jumped off a cliff, would you want to also?" things said to your kids.

Made prank phone calls

Laughed until some kind of beverage came out of your nose & elsewhere: milk, always milk.

Caught a snowflake on your tongue

Danced in the rain

Written a letter to Santa Claus

Been kissed under the mistletoe

Watched the sunrise with someone

Blown bubbles

Gone ice-skating: badly

Been skinny dipping outdoors: The aforementioned soupy Gulf

Gone to the movies: duh

Have a nickname: Yes. And that's all you need to know.

Body piercings

And now, just a bunch of random questions, I guess.

1. Favorite drink?

Iced tea, or a cool cup of distilled water

2. How much do you love your job?

Not much. I dont hate my job, though, I reserve that pleasure for my boss.

3. Birthplace?

Dubuque, Iowa.

4. Favorite vacation spot?

That's the kind of question that assumes that I go on vacations more elaborate than going to see a relative on a holiday. I love the mountains, I love the desert, I love the ocean, I♥NY, I love to visit my relatives. The important thing to me is not where I go, but that I do go.

5. Ever eaten just cookies for dinner?

No, that's dumb. You need ice cream, also.

6. Favorite pie?

Mmmmm, pie. I love pie. It's better than cake, for sure. Favorite? Cheesecake (which I consider to be pie), or maybe peach pie, or key lime is good. And then there's cobbler, which is pie-like and is so good warm with a scoop of ice cream. Now I'm hungry.

7. Favorite holiday?

Thanksgiving. You get food, relatives and long weekend, but without the pressures of gift-giving. Plus, it's in the fall, and that's my favorite season.

8. Favorite food?

This "favorite" thing is kind of irritating, really. I'm a grown-up, I've got a list: Cheeseburgers, pepperoni pizza, rocky road ice cream, indian food, cheesesteaks (sans bell peppers, and with pepperoni), chicken gizzards, mashed potatoes and gravy with some sort of deep-fried meat, fresh corn on the cob, spanish clementines, salsa verde, frito chili pie made with Wendy's chili, chocolate milk shakes, peanut butter and pickle sandwiches, hot dogs with mustard and pico de gayo, catfish tacos,...

9. Favorite smell?

Spring days right after it rains or cool, crisp fall nights, roasting chicken, pig farms (wierd childhood thing), fresh mown grass, wood shops, kittens,...

10. How do you relax?

Books, unless I want to shut off my brain, then TV. Google Images is fun for hours, also.

11. How do you see yourself in 10 years?

No clue. If you had asked me this ten years ago, I never would have guessed I'd be where I am.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I spend a LOT of time googling images..the new Life photo archive is magnificient!

Thanks for the 411 on ya Dave...I always find you a very interesting person. ;)