Monday, April 26, 2010

not just another day

In an effort to prove that Muslims can be just as stupid as Christians, Islamic cleric Hojatoleslam Kazem Sedighi blamed recent earthquakes on immodest female clothing. In response to that silliness, blogger Jen McCreight has created Boobquake, scheduled for today, in which women are asked to dress their immodest best in order to create (or not) another earthquake, thus proving (or disproving) Sedighi's "theory".
Personally speaking, I find that this is a movement that I can stand behind 100% (or in front of, depending on the view). Go to it, ladies!

h/t to Pooby.

Addendum: Well, it seems that there has been an earthquake today in Taiwan, measuring somewhere in the neighborhood of 6.0-ish. Not a killer temblor by any means, but could it be proof of Allah's wrath? Scientifically speaking, there's really only one way to tell - REPEAT THE EXPERIMENT!

Double addendumty: Wait, looking at the time of the Taiwan earthquake, I notice that it occurred at about 1:00 a.m., which means that it happened before all those immodestly dressed women were up and about. Still, God is supposed to be omniscient, so maybe he was letting his displeasure be known in advance of the actual event. REPEAT THE EXPERIMENT!


Daniel Hoffmann-Gill said...

Ideas like these by religious nuts make God seem so petty and tedious.

Maybe the big bastard is...

Pryme said...

You could say they're making mountains out of molehills.
