Tuesday, March 22, 2011

quote for the generation, apparently

Holy crap, I just came across this in one of my old blog posts:
There's more, of course, but we all know how the script goes these days, dont we? There'll be lots of hand-wringing from "Democratic" leaders, a few "incendiary" comments from real liberals, some near accusations of treason from Republicans, some actual accusations of treason from a "conservative" pundit or two, and then, once more, King George will get his way, and America will slide a little bit farther down into that ditch we used to call fascism, but now have rebranded as Patriotism™.
This is from 2007.
Nothing has changed, except the name of the President.

1 comment:

Omnipotent Poobah said...

You're a frickin' Nostradumbass. :-)