Thursday, February 16, 2006

tinfol hats intensify my brain waves

Here's proof: a thought I had the other day that might give any Administration-types who may be making "contingency" plans for martial law / suspended elections.

There are, in this country, millions of young adults who spent hundreds, if not thousands, of hours electronically training for guerilla warfare. And they cant all join the army, no matter how much funding for higher education gets cut.

I myself played hours and hours of Doom, and I was a lightweight. Guess what the best (as in most useful, not most ass-kicking) weapon was in Doom? The shotgun. Readily available, and reloadable in any garage.

By the way, I'd just like to point out that I do not advocate armed rebellion (except long ago in a galaxy far far away), but I was just having a brainstorm and the metal around my skull kept it all inside, so I had plenty to share.

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