Saturday, March 25, 2006

No crony left behind

Here, read this, and this, detailing how a "donation" to the Katrina Relief fund (in Houston) by the Queen Mother Barbara Bush, was specifically earmarked to be spent on an educational computer system called Ignite, manufactured by her son, Neil Bush.
Is the system any good? I dont know, maybe it is. But why donate money to HISD, invoking the name of Katrina, just to have the money returned to the company run by your own flesh and blood. Could it have anything to do with trying to look, at last, like the Bush Corporation is trying to do something about the victims of Katrina? ("Oh, look, Ma, another opportunity to make some cash off of the suffering of others!") Or is it more a lead in to having the newly rebuilt NOLA school system purchase a lot of the Ignite systems that "Teachers also found it to be effective in improving student understanding of history, engaging students in the learning process, and to a lesser degree, helping students pass the (Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills)" ?
Not that any conditions will be made for federal money to be given to rebuilding or anything, heavens no. That kind of thing doesnt happen, right?

“And so many of the people in the political arena here, you know, were privileged anyway, so this — this [she chuckles slightly] is working very well for them.”

props to Education at the Brink

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