Monday, December 03, 2007


Okay, I need a bit of help here. It's time for the Best of 2007 at the Carnival of the Liberals, and, as someone who's made it in this year, I'm being asked to send what I thought was my best post in for consideration, and quite frankly, I have no idea which was "best", as it were. Having been a long time participant in the CotL, I feel I ought to give it the old college try, though. So suggest one, if you have the patience:

"Note to Red Staters"
"Next shareholder's meeting: no more proxy voting!"
"Joining the Blogstorm"
"Another War Casualty"

Also, I need to have it in by midnight, so, no pressure.

Addendum: well, it's after midnight (EST) and I made my choice, so, never mind.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Dave..i have to say they are ALL you choose m'dear.

I do love your graphic for the Blog against Theocracy post however ;)