Wednesday, January 23, 2008


"Lydia" has tagged me. Ordinarily, I'd ignore this, being a member of the Omnipotent Poobah's Anti-Tagging League*, but the primary reason I declared myself such a member was so that I wouldnt have to do these things unless I felt like it.
Today, I feel like it, or rather, I've grown rather bored with blogging lately, and I'm hoping that this might act rather as a metaphorical pair of handcuffs and licorich panties, so...

Six non-important things/habits/quirks about myself:

1. Given the choice between a station wagon and a convertable, it's 50/50 that I'd choose the station wagon. Unless you were to give it to me outright, then it's about 80/20 for the convertable.
2. I prefer pie over cake, anyday. Even on birthdays.
3. I still have my childhood Lego collection. It's rather large, and contains not one of the little people figures. I built stuff with Legos.
4. I use Crest "Cinnamon Rush" toothpaste.
5. I have always lived in a state containing Interstate-35. For all but the first 13 years, I've lived within 20 miles of it. For a couple of years, I lived within 2 blocks of it.
6. My favorite color is blue, no, greeeeeeeeennnnn...

Are those unimportant enough?

The rules say that I have to pass the tag on, but I believe I will resist that rule. Chain letters are for suckers.

* Mention of which has disappeared from both Pooby's blog and, oddly, mine.


Anonymous said...

I'm sorry, you have to give a replacement for number 5. That's 'God's Highway' you're talking about there. Clearly not 'un-important'.

Anonymous said...

Don't hate me for the tag. I know it's juvenile, but it gives you something to write when feeling uninspired, it and it's interesting for us to read... my fellow Kermit...

daveawayfromhome said...

Hate you? Never! But I've never been one to assume that my questions carry much weight, and so passing a tag along is just not something I do. Plus, that Golden Rule thing.

United We Lay said...

My husband has a huge lego collection that he systematically refused to get rid of for years because, and I quote, "We'll have kids someday." Now we have the kids, but alas, he's still too little to partake of the legos.

daveawayfromhome said...

I refuse to get rid of my Legos because I love my Legos. I keep telling my kids that they can play with them when they start cleaning up after themselves, but, alas, that day has not yet come.

Anonymous said...

I won't hold it against you for accepting the tag Dave. But just this once. If you do it again I'll have to banish you to Crawford :-)

daveawayfromhome said...


Unknown said...

I do like reading meme's like this one..and I too hate them..but I never hate on the 'tagger' ;)

Your a trip dear Dave..and a man of many talents.