Thursday, February 05, 2009

quote for the day

"A lot of us are downsizing not only because we have to, but because we think it is the right thing to do."

Robert Jones, business owner
This quote comes from an article in the Dallas Morning News describing how wealthy people are spending in a less extravagently visible way. Presumably, that's because many of them are less wealthy than they once were, but it also suggests that they do so because they are, as the article says, trying to look like everyone else.

Hmmmm. In an era where we've seen most people's real, adjusted incomes fall or remain static (and where, despite claims of a lack of inflation, the basics of life and personal betterment, save for Chinese electronics, have gone up considerably in the last decade), maybe the super-rich, those one-percenters who've been the only beneficiaries of GOP rule, are thinking that it might be a good idea to lay low before the prolitariate get any bright ideas about taxing away all of "their" hard earned money.

No, no, I'm sorry, I'm sure that they're just feeling our pain.

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