Monday, March 01, 2010

a question for Republicans

okay, here's a question that I'd like to ask Republicans: Why do they oppose climate change legislation so adamantly?
In strictly political terms, it doesnt seem like a very good strategy. Let's consider a couple of scenarios:
1) The climate change folks win the battle, and fifty years from now, it turns out all to have been a lot of shouting about nothing. What's the worst case outcome? We've spent a lot of money making the planet a much cleaner place, and the Democrats (the ones who actually listen to their base, that is) look like a bunch of big-spending Chicken Littles.
2) Republicans and other climate change skeptics/deniers win the battle, and it turns out that the Earth actually is getting warmer. What's the worst outcome? Regardless of the reason for the global temperature increase, Republicans are known as the party that not only did nothing to change things, but actively battled to not try to change things. As coasts drown, crops wither and mighty storms take a greater toll, people look around for someone to blame. Think they'll choose Al Gore for not warning folks urgently enough?

Really, I can only think of one reason to oppose the various things that need to be done to attempt to alleviate the threat of global warming.
Certainly there is no other threat from turning to greener energy sources. It's good for the air, it's good for jobs growth, and it gives America a chance to regain our scientific prowess from Indian and Chinese incursion. It also makes us less dependent on (and vulnerable to) that moneypit (and life-pit) we call the Middle East.

That's all. I have no coherent thought about how to stop these mammon-worshipers. The answer is obvious and simple - just dont vote for them - and yet they keep getting elected anyhow. How does one address so obviously a suicidal impulse, just for the gathering of more filthy lucre? Especially when their death-wish takes others with them?
I guess the only thing a thinking person can do at this point is take names. The ass kicking will have to come later. At least there's a high chance that they'll deserve it.


Daniel Hoffmann-Gill said...

No point debating them, seriously.


Pryme said...

It's more than money; it's also a feeling of superiority. See, we humans are too special to destroy Earth, even if we tried. And even if we were doing that, it's our planet.

Also, there's the added bonus of our electorate having the long-term memory of a fruit fly; when Florida and California is going underwater, the GOP will just blame the Democrats and the media (instead of just calling them out on their lies) will do a "special report" on "who's really at fault."

mjhawkeye said...

Sorry Pryme. It's only $$$$$$$$$