Thursday, November 04, 2010


- a handy time-line for the financial meltdown. (via)

- Truthiness, ho!

- Why we're completely mother-fucked. No, really, we are fucked. Matt Taibbi depresses the hell out of me. (via)

- Tax the Rich!!! (and here's why) (via)

- College degrees (or the lack thereof) - county by county. (via)

- Reason number 37 why the economy wont be getting better anytime soon. (via)

- "Sitting in the dark corner of a DC bar is a Republican political operative who has the goods on Palin. He’s just waiting for his phone to ring with the word, “Go.” If Palin weren’t such a poisonous person, I’d almost feel sorry for her. She has no idea what’s coming her way. ". Sa-weet! (via)

- You ever see the first episode of "Yes Minister"? Now imagine freshly elected teabaggers in Washington; think anything will be different? (via)

- Will Democrats move towards the center? Do pussies cry "uncle"?

- Tea Party finance map. (via)

- The real reason for Arizona's anti-Illegal Alien law: Private contractors and taxpayer funding. (via)

- "Vintage" Star Wars posters; so cool. I'd actually pay money for one of these. I think. (via)

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