Saturday, July 30, 2011

quote for the day

"We face downgrades and investor panic not because of our deficits but because we are behaving like deadbeats, refusing to pay our bills, pouting while the bill collector waits at the door.

We do have a large deficit and debt and we do need to get it under control. That the Tea Party has raised awareness about this is admirable. And I agree with their view that the current set of entitlements - Medicare especially - have to be reformed dramatically to get our fiscal house in order. But that is not an excuse to endanger the good standing of the United States.

First you pay the bills and then you figure out how to change your spending habits."

Okay, image you owe a bank money, and you tell them, I'd really like to pay you back, but I have important restaurants to go to.
They'd be pretty pissed, right?
Now image you tell them, I'd really like to pay you back, but I have to buy a second home. Or pay for my kids air-conditioned tree house. Or take a two week vacation in Italy. Or maintain a private jet.
Would that be okay?

Raise the damn taxes already! Clinton levels arent going to kill anything. Republicans should be happy nobody is trying to raise them back to the levels they were back when their sainted Ronny was saving the world.

Jesus fucking Christ, what does it take, anyway?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

here is the thing - NOTHING changes politically in this effen country. I cannot tell you how bloody I am tired of politicking in this country. What idiots. And what pisses me off is that we let them. We let then get away with one thing after another, from the erosion of our rights and freedom, to the growth of diving the rich from the rest of us. I am so angry, I simply cannot think straight anymore. Hump! :)