The easiest way to piss off everybody is to make assumptions about what someone is thinking based on what they are saying. Both Left and Right are grossly guilty of this, and I think it is a major contributor to the political rancor we now "enjoy".Listen to what they say, comment on what they say. If what they say refers to someone else's words from the past, comment on what that person has done since. Specualtion is all well and good, but dont assume you "know" someone's motives by following a chain of logic(or illogic) from their words to your own conclusion.
Oddly, though, few people, even as they assume what the other side is thinking, seem to pay attention to what their own side (or even the opposition) is actually doing, despite their words. There is a huge disconnect these days between words and actions, everywhere in America.
Maybe that's what we ought to be concentrating on.
You can guess, you can speculate, you can even ask, "is this what you're thinking?", but unless you're looking for a fight, dont say, "Oh, you just think thisansuch" unless they say it.
On the other hand, dont just take them at their word, 'cause people lie like dogs in a sunny backyard. If their actions dont match their words - call'em on it! If their logic has gaps, ask them to fill in those gaps. Maybe they'll get angry - that's probably a hole that can be exploited (and by exploited I mean attacked; but dont expect to change anyone's mind, that doesnt happen much)
That's all. I am trying to contain the madness shown yesterday.
It's not easy.
I may require a cheeseburger.
1 comment:
"The easiest way to piss off everybody is to make assumptions about what someone is thinking based on what they are saying. Both Left and Right are grossly guilty of this, and I think it is a major contributor to the political rancor we now "enjoy"."
knee-jerking, i hate it. already ran a story on it. the moment they see a hot button word they become zombies, zombies with selective eyes and ears. just read my comment boxes, pick almost any day, and you will see people who clearly missed major chunks of text after they saw one of those "words"
when will they wake up and realize chimps are out performing them? i am beyond sick of having to chase these zombies down and retype what they missed because they were reflexive rather than rational. feel free to lift this comment and tack it to their friggin' skull. bonebrains!
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