Thursday, February 16, 2006

never let them see you cry, son

In England Wednesday, Parliament passed a bill outlawing the "glorification" of terrorism. Said Prime Minister Tony Blair:
the proposed offence is something entirely different. It is a "signal" of the Government's determination to bear down on terrorism. Not to support it is to be seen as soft on terrorism. (from News.telegraph)
I never noticed before that Tony Blair is as much a belligerent little schoolyard punk as George Bush and Company are. Was I not paying attention? Is it all macho posturing, or do politicians think we really respect this kind of chest-puffery? Or, worse, do we?

Opponents, very rightly, worried about the vagueness of the law. Not only does the word "glorification" allow for a loose interpretation, but the word terrorism isnt a whole lot better.
And ("Future bills in Congress for $500, Alex") when can we expect to see a similar law passed here.


Dave said...

"I never noticed before that Tony Blair is as much a belligerent little schoolyard punk as George Bush and Company are."

Don't leave Oz's Little Johnnie "Man Of Steel" Howard out. Though I prefer "amoral power-hungry criminally-incompetent twat" myself.

And yeah, worst is that possibly this is what the majority of people think they want.

daveawayfromhome said...

@ dave: I'm very worried every time I see political news about Australia, which I had always thought of as a kind of lifeboat.
Theocracy in the U.S.? Dont feel like freezing your ass off in Canada? Now I'm worried that if I feel like running away to Australia that it'll just be frying pan to fire situation.