link stolen from David Brin
[T]he party stands to make major gains in next month's elections, but those will not be votes for Democrats so much as votes against Mark Foley, Iraq and Republican hubris. As such, they might produce a majority, but not a mandate. For that to happen, Democrats must first figure out two things: what they believe in and how to express it.The pen (or the words) as used by lying crapweasels is more powerful than the sword (also prefered by the lying crapweasels). Especially when the words contain truth.
Somehow the more soldiers that die, the more legitimate the illegal invasion becomes.
Somehow American leadership, whose only credit is lying to its people and illegally invading a nation, has been allowed to steal the courage, virtue and honor of its soldiers on the ground.
Somehow those afraid to fight an illegal invasion decades ago are allowed to send soldiers to die for an illegal invasion they started.Read the whole thing, it gets better. Then, as Kevin encourages, go out November 7, and remember these words as you vote.
CNN's Wolf Blitzer asked [Republican Patrick] McHenry a perfectly reasonable question of whether or not the Congressman had any evidence that some unholy menage of Nancy Pelosi, Rahm Emmanuel, and George Soros were responsible for, if the contorted reasoning can be understood, not revealing what they might have known about Mark Foley's one-handed IMing until just before an election despite the fact that Republicans weren't revealing it either. McHenry's response: "Do you have any evidence that they weren’t involved?"Holy Shit! "Do you have any evidence that they weren’t involved?" Welcome to Amerika, I am your Political Officer, Comrade McHenry. Unless I'm wrong, the Congress has yet to give George Bush the authority to declare "terrorists" (as defined by George Bush) guilty before proven innocent (I hope so, anyway). But if that's the way Republicans want to play the game, well, I'm willing to go along...
•Senator McHenry, do you have any proof that you were not in that motel room smoking heroin with those two under-age crack-whores?Hey, this is fun! I can see why the Republicans would favor this strategy over telling the truth and dealing with issues. Woo-hoo! Y'all feel free to join in!
•Congressman Boehner, what proof do you have that you were not running a page-whore/drug dealership from your office just for fun, and cutting your staff in for half the profits to keep them quiet?
•Senator Frist, do you have any proof that you arent secretly keeping an enormous stash of pharmaceutical stocks cached in a Swiss vault which are making you a huge profit at tax-pyer expense from unleveraged medicaid drug payments?
•Mr Rove, do you have any proof that you are in fact, not a hermaphroditic bondage freak who frequents DC-area leather-bars with the likes of Rick Santorum and Ted Kennedy? (Oh, poor Karl, how will you answer this one to save yourself but still get Teddy?)
•President Bush, can you prove to us that you didnt simply want to invade Iraq as part of a greedy quest for greater oil profits in a plan cooked up by Vice-President Cheney and his Energy Task Force? (oh wait, that's real)
The [2007 military budget bill] bars the Pentagon from using any intelligence that was collected illegally, including information about Americans that was gathered in violation of the Fourth Amendment's protections against unreasonable government surveillance.Okay, so maybe signing statements are not illegal. But they are also not to be used by the President to declare himself to be above or beside the law. Dubya may think he's the Decider, but he's not; Congress is, and it's time they remembered that.
In Bush's signing statement, he suggested that he alone could decide whether the Pentagon could use such information. His signing statement instructed the military to view the law in light of "the president's constitutional authority as commander in chief, including for the conduct of intelligence operations, and to supervise the unitary executive branch."
Bush also challenged three sections that require the Pentagon to notify Congress before diverting funds to new purposes, including top-secret activities or programs. Congress had already decided against funding. Bush said he was not bound to obey such statutes if he decided, as commander in chief, that withholding such information from Congress was necessary to protect security secrets.
props to Welcome to the Now
Before Fox, many in the media scoffed at the notion of a liberal bias and figured only a handful of people really believed that, said Erik Sorenson, former MSNBC president.I love this quote. The way it's phrased, it's as if the media really is liberally biased, and FOX, being "fair and balanced", exposed that bias. Reality, of course, is that FOX is conservative, but the Republican Lie Machine has convinced people that it's not, and so the MSM looks liberal. If the MSM was liberal, they would be working hard to nail the Republicans to the wall for all the lies told since Bush was placed in office in 2000 (we'll ignore the lies that came before, during the Clinton years).
Abortion in exchange for Torture.That's right, as a party, the Dems will agree to the outlawing of abortion, if the Republicans agree to make torture illegal in all forms.