Saturday, February 23, 2008


blog readability test

Bummer. I would have prefered "genius", but oh, well, that's ego for ya. I should be happy I got that considering my refusal to use apostrophes in many of my contractions.

(props to the Sapient Sutler.)

On the other hand, I'm apparently read more than I think I am.

C-List Blogger

(props to spiiderweb™.)


Chance said...

I got B-list at one time, but it was a fluke because some educators had just linked to a post of mine. I'm a solid C-lister in general.

I get a "genius" vocab rating because I deliberately use phrases like "condign pecuniary guerdon." Go ahead, Google it. :)

daveawayfromhome said...

I cant even define "condign pecuniary guerdon", let alone use it. Apparently, do one but you can either.
As for being C-list, it's because of the recent Blog Amnesty Day, when a bunch of people must have put me on there blogrolls, which looks good for the accounting, but doesnt mean much in the long run (I'll be back to the d-list in no time)