You know I've been dissatisfied with the blog of late. There's been a kind of emptiness about it lately, hard to define, yet subtly draining me of energy. I thought perhaps it was just lack of sleep, or imagination, but after some thought, I've decided that it's simply that we are all fucked. Fucked good and royally.
The nation is suffering under worst president ever, with only a 1-out-of-5 approval rating, and yet Congress cannot even get their shit together enough to deny him more of the stupid shit which got him (and us) in trouble in the first place. And all my yap-yap-yap comes to naught. Hell, all the yap-yap-yap of
everyone comes to naught, even as our president gets booed by an entire ballpark!
So screw it. I'm done.
From now on, this blog will be devoted entirely to breasts. I'll get a lot more hits (after all, 50% of the population loves breasts), which might lead to advertisements (lucrative sex-industry ones - booyah!). I wont be nearly as frustrated, because while politics pisses me off, I love breasts as much as any other red-blooded American man. At least as much.
So that's that. From now on, the only boobs you're gonna see here will be of the non-political kind. So I think it appropriate that I begin with a Demotivator.

ADDENDUM (April 2, 2008):
This was, of course, an April Fools Day post. Much as I appreciate breasts, there's something a little weird about devoting a whole blog to them. Or, at least, it's not a pasttime that suits me very well.
On the other hand, pretty much everything else in this post was actually true.
And I'll leave the demotivator up; I learned
my lesson last year about deleting posts.
Plus, it's just funny.