Friday, May 30, 2008

do tell

It's Friday, and I feel I ought to post something, so I'll transfer a comment I made over at Dusty's to here.

So Scott McClellan has written a "scathing" tell-all book.

Forgive me if I'm less than impressed if yet another rat from the sinking ship uses yet another book of denial to distance himself from the wreck SS BushCo.
So he made some "nasty" accusations, did he? Like what? BushCo used propaganda to advance the war? I'm pretty sure we knew that, though, didnt we. Hmmmm, Scooter Libbey and Turdblossom conspired during Plamegate? Really! What a shock! (NOT). You say the Bush White House was in constant "campaign mode", rather than worrying about real policy? As opposed to who? Congress? Constant campaigning is pretty much SOP in politics, anymore, isnt it?
Hey, Scotty! How about you bring some actual documentation to Congress, the kind of actionable evidence that we can use to nail those bastards. Then I'll be impressed (maybe your copies of the missing White House e-mails - that'd be nice). Anything leading to making impeachment seem imperative would be just peachy.
Sorry folks, but what we've got here is another accomplice trying to make a deal with the DA by ratting out the guys who "planned" the whole thing. Never mind that all those plans would have come to naught, had the "masterminds" had no one to work with.

You know what the saddest part of this tell-all is, though? That even though there's very little new information in it, there is a group of people who only now will say, "gee, maybe the white house is filled with weasels". And with each tell-all, the number of true believers will be whittled down a little more. The sad part is that it takes a tell-all from a co-conspirator in order to make people see the truth, when it's pretty much out there in plain sight. The sadder part is that there are those that still cannot see it.

So far the only administration tell-all that I've had any love for was David Kuo's (disclosure: I havent read it, I just appreciate it's existence).


NEWSGUY said...

Dave, I agree with you but in a slightly different way. You and I knew all the stuff McCain put in his book: Bush lied to get us into war, he wanted to be a Wartime President to enhance his place in history; he is a stubborn dummy (not quite the way Scottie put it, but that's what it amounts to), the war is a disaster as a result of Bush's intransigence, and all the rest of the disasters including Katrina.

We were in the streets trying to stop this war, yet the press was going along with it. We knew the press was acting like an arm of the Republican party.

That's another thing Scottie notices for his book. And the press has now got all defensive, "We weren't lapdogs, we were critical as we could be, it was a different landscape after 9/11, we didn't want to appear to be unpatriotic, we didn't know, we were denied access, bla bla bla."

So what is really new about this book? Only the fact that a Bush loyalist has finally turned. And a bit too late, for that. But maybe it will help people see what a fraud McCain is. And alert the press that there are plenty of photos of him HUGGING Bush. The book could make the press a bit more skeptical about McCain's Maverick brand. But I ain't holding my breath.

daveawayfromhome said...

Yeah, the press is definitely giving McRepeat a free ride. I heard though that Rupert Murdoch thinks that Obama will win, which mostly makes me wonder what he's up to.