Thursday, August 21, 2008

workin' man's blues, pt II

Okay, how's this for crazy? I was moved from my old position because of "low volume"; apparently there just wasnt enough work to "justify" me staying in that position. Funny thing, though, they have another guy working over there, but going home earlier than I did. There were only two people in my department when I was there, and there are still two people, but presumably they feel like they arent wasting resources if he doesnt stay till 2 a.m. The second guy, however, doesnt go home earlier because he works less hours, he goes home earlier in the evening because he has more overlap with the daytime person. Now here's the good part. He generally gets an hour of overtime every day. As slow as it's been, had I still been in my old position, I would have been trying to go home an hour earlier, i.e., working only a 7-hour day, every day. So the result is that they pay up to 10 hours a week extra in labor, half of that in overtime. Clever, huh?
Is it any wonder that the economy is going down the tubes?


Unknown said...

Well thats fucked you like your new job?

daveawayfromhome said...

I dont hate it, either. But it's basically work that could be done by anyone with half a brain (which, admittedly, seem to be few and far between), and is in no way related to anything which I studied in college... or any kind of school for that matter. They have made what I do into something that is merely a job, and made me into a cog.
And that makes me...

weary and unmotivated.

Does that help the company's bottom line, d'ya suppose?

Unknown said...

Only if you leave and they hire some jackass for half what you make will it 'help' their bottom line.