Tuesday, June 16, 2009

quote for the day

"Last week's Archdruid post, This Side of Thunderdome, makes the expected argument against the "Mad Max" future, with one especially good point: that collapse myths assume universality, but real collapses are wildly uneven. Somewhere in the world there really will be murderous bikers chasing down fuel trucks (I always thought the second film was the best by far). There will be continue to be crime gangs, slavery, war, starvation, and disease. But there will also be prosperous small cities, governments, factories, permaculture communities, and nomadic groups that survive mostly by foraging and hunting -- though they're more likely to use battered REI products and firearms than animal skins and stone arrowheads. Given this much diversity, if you have enough mobility, adaptability, and leadership, you can pretty much choose your own apocalypse."

from Ron Prieur, May 6, 2009

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