Thursday, October 08, 2009

for me, Al Franken

Somebody needs to smack those 30 pro-rapists!Al Franken just gets better every day. Why? He proposed an amendment to the 2010 Defense Appropriations bill that would withhold defense contracts from companies like KBR “if they restrict their employees from taking workplace sexual assault, battery and discrimination cases to court.”
As you might have guessed, though only if you were fairly cynical perhaps, there was Republican opposition to this bill. That's right, thirty senate Republicans apparently felt that rape was less important than the profits of outsourcing contractors. Interestingly enough, in the discussion thread at the topmost link, the usual right-wing apologists had not appeared to defend the nay-saying senators, which indicates that despite the votes of the Pro-Rape Thirty, Franken may have found a subject that even ordinary conservatives can agree with liberals upon.

(beat, beat, beat)


As one commenter put it "Now we are holding rapists accountable for their actions. If this keeps up, someday we may hold war profiteers accountable."

Oh, those crazy dreamers.

Want to know how your senator voted? Seriously, this is a biggie, folks. I may even e-mail my Republican voting mother and say, "you have two grandaughters, and yet you vote for these men? Maybe you need to think about your values and who you put in office to represent you and those values".


Unknown said...

This has been on my mind since I heard about it yesterday.

That 30 fucking losers voted against this amendment really boggles my mind. Rape is a political football..who fucking knew? ;p

daveawayfromhome said...

I think if you look at the history of government scandals, corruption is rarely within the government, but rather at the interface between government and private companies, and that is the area that Republicans have been expanding in their quest for privatization.
Not that I'm saying they're a bunch of corrupt bastards, though.
Oh, no, wouldnt do that.