Saturday, May 01, 2010

just a thought

I havent had much to say about Arizona's new illegal immigrant bill, mostly because it's such a stupid, irritating law, and much of what needs to be said has been said already by people better at it than me. I just wanted to add one more point, though: If an officer was to stop me and ask me for proof of citizenship, I dont think I would have any, aside from my driver's license, which I suspect a lot of illegals have. I dont carry my social security card* around with me, nor my birth certificate. Actually, I'm not sure just where my birth certificate is these days, since I couldnt find it last time I looked for it.
Of course, this is completely beside the point, because I can guarantee you that a white boy such as myself is never going to be asked for proof of anything other than insurance. Right there is the problem with this "law", and the reason that it will probably end up being overturned.

Addendum: Frank Rich says Arizona's not the problem, but a symptom. I say, even though a cough isnt a cold, it still sometimes requires some strong medicine.

* also not unusual for illegals to have

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