Thursday, May 06, 2010

a thought

So, some have suggested that the environmentalists may have sabotaged the oil platform in the gulf, hoping the disaster would end offshore drilling. It's a stupid idea, but, I suppose, possible, if really, really unlikely. See, environmentalists want to protect all the environment, not just part of it. They're not really a "destroy the village to save the village" crowd.
Here's another possibility, which seems to me more likely*: that someone who's been investing heavily in oil futures (say, perhaps, a Wall Street bank) sabotaged the rig in an effort to drive up oil prices, thus making their investment pay off all the better. Now that is a scenario that fits a philosophical profile.

* though neither is as likely as a simple combination of greed and lack of oversight


Natasha said...

I'm gonna go with the environmentalists sabotaging. It totally makes sense. They want to save the environment, I definitely see how causing a massive oil leak in the ocean that will have effects for decades would help further that goal. ;)
Limbaugh is so smart!

daveawayfromhome said...

I'm really hoping that comment is in snark mode. Really.

Natasha said...

lol of course it was!!