Monday, September 14, 2009

more answers

Whoo-wee folks! We're havin' ourselves a hootenany!There's stuff in the queue coming up in the next few days (dont remember what, exactly, I'm sure it'll be great), but if you're hankerin' for some Daveness, you could always review my replies to some anonymous dude who took me to task for, you know, being a liberal hypocrit and such. Basically, while I'm not much for action, I'm better at reaction. I realize that's probably not a good thing, but it's what I've got. Here, here and here. Will there be more? Stay tuned!


the Brother said...

Don't you love chicken-shit dickweeds that don't even have the balls to sign their comments with a username that wouldn't tell anybody anything?

Oh, and the Brother's name is Steve.

daveawayfromhome said...

Not particularly. Did you see the twit who followed me home from Daniel's spot the other day. Probably not, since he got the wrong blog. What a wanker.
At least anonymous used what he thought were arguements, rather than calling out names like an eight-year old loser/bully.

Anonymous said...

Wow. You've drawn yourself a dandy little hate club, haven't you? Put up a nifty little image today that I think you'd dig for one of your post images - out of a labor rag from 1935...

Anonymous said...

At least anonymous used what he thought were arguements, rather than calling out names like an eight-year old loser/bully.

yes, for example your intelligent "go fuck yourself" retort to my query?

daveawayfromhome said...

Yes, well, I'll admit that saying "go fuck yourself" was bad behavior. On the other hand, when someone comes to my blog and accuses me of being the reason that bin Laden hasnt been caught, well, such breathtaking wrong-headedness calls for some sort of response, and past experience usually indicates two paths to take when confronted with illogical arguements: 1) ignore them, or 2) return the abuse. I was in a bad mood, so I returned the abuse.

As a matter of fact, I do proudly proclaim myself an American, and it is precisely because of what I stand for. Unfortunately, I share that label with a lot of people who I'm ashamed to call fellow humans, let alone fellow countryman.
And really, what exactly is unamerican about what I stand for? Is it the idea of providing for the common good? Is it the idea that Authority should not be bowed to, but questioned? Is it that I think we should extend the fruits of our nation's wealth to all the people who live in it, regardless of whether some of think they are "deserving" or not?

Anyway, whatever, I've wasted enough time on you, anonymous. I dont stand around arguing with street crazies, I see no reason I should do any different here.