Friday, September 11, 2009

a lie for a lie

Why dont Liberals start countering ridiculous Republican lies about health care with equally ridiculous counter-lies? For instance...

According to the Rude Pundit, the ObamaPlan for healthcare will result in all covered Americans shitting gold! That's right, GOLD!!! Why dont the Republicans want poor and ordinary Americans to have gold?

Hey, how about this one? Have you heard of the Republican bill to create Wealth Panels? Apparently, there will be these panels created where bureaucrats will decide who gets to have buckets-full of money and who doesnt, based on their usefullness to Wall Street. Working folks who actually create things for a living are out, of course, but those people who oversee those workers, well, they're in pretty good shape (since everyone knows that without multiple layers of bosses telling them what to do, nothing would get done and the gears of capitalism would simply grind to a halt).


Anonymous said...

But let's admit it: You hate Obama's health care proposals yourself.

I encourage you to continue to make hypocritical comments where you post your sentiments on other sites while here you make out it's the Republicans at fault.

Do you have two different personalities, or are you just another leftist hypocrite?

daveawayfromhome said...

I do hate Obama's proposals, because they dont go far enough, and will ultimately become nothing more than subsidies for the insurance companies. Republicans are at fault because they oppose absolutely a single-payer system, which if you look at other countries is the cheapest and best way to run it, but it requires that (gasp!) undeserving people have their way paid for them by hard-working taxpayers, which will not do, apparently, in a so-called Christian nation. It also requires a federal (socialism!) medical system similar to something like the VA, which is also verbotten by Republicans.
So, not two personalities, just two angles on the same attitude. We need a National Healthcare system, which Obama and the Democrats ultimately will not be supplying, and they will not be supplying it because the Republicans have pushed the arguement so far to the right that the best anyone will be able to accomplish is yet another pipeline feeding taxpayer money to another wealthy group that doesnt need it.

So, is that hypocracy? Or complaining against both sides?