Saturday, January 23, 2010

doomsayin' Dave

I'm feeling pretty down about things, as you might have noticed. The Democrats continue to disappoint, in a manner that feels as much like betrayal, sometimes, as it does simple failure. Ownership of just about everything continues to be concentrated into fewer and fewer hands, which can never lead to anything good (it especially does not lead to the GOP's favorite state, "competition"). As for myself, I have less money to spend than I did a decade ago, and see no hope of that situation improving, perhaps ever.

I'm thinking that we may have to endure another 8 years of Republican rule before Americans finally pull their heads out of their asses and start to fix the country. That maybe Obama will lose the next election, because as a nation we're too stupid to think for ourselves, and will believe the Noise Machine as it tells us that Republicans were right all along, despite overwhelming, obvious evidence to the contrary.
And so, for yet another eight years, the rich will continue to get richer, the nation will continue to be embroiled in useless and stupid wars, government services and infrastructure will continue to decline, and basic necessities will continue to climb in price, making the choice between medicine and food all the more common.

Why? Because Democrats, despite their election to office, despite polling showing widespread disatisfaction with the status quo, despite opposition to war, despite a wish for a national health plan, despite almost universal loathing for our financial elite, continue, almost identically, the plans of the "opposition" party which got us into this mess.

Who knows, maybe it will never end. Maybe things will continue to decline, until Americans are crossing the border into Mexico, looking for food and work, and perhaps a bit of freedom.

I hope I'm wrong about all this.

Just in case, though, I'm advising my girls to learn an internationally useful skill in college (assuming it's affordable by then), and then get the hell out the country. Maybe that's akin to a rat deserting a sinking ship, but rats want to live, too. And as noble as fighting for a hopeless cause may be, it's also stupid.

1 comment:

Daniel Hoffmann-Gill said...

I share your pain.