Monday, January 25, 2010

a ray of hope in the storm front of corporate money?

Whoa! Slow down there, Kyler! Put away your rocks and your molotov cocktails, 'cause Robert Riech has come up with a better way to bite corporations in the ass before they buy up all the politicians, and it's a pretty good one: Push Congress to enact the “Shareholder Protection Act.”
Basically, it stops corporations from spending your share of the profits on politics you dont agree with. If you dont want them spending money on campaigning, they have to pay you a special dividends, representing your share of the money spent.
Robert says...
For many years, anti-union lobbyists have pushed what they call “pay-check protection” laws, supposedly designed to protect union members from being forced, through their dues, to support union political activities they oppose. Under such laws — already in effect in several states — no union dues can be spent for any political purpose unless union members agree.

The same principle should protect shareholders from being forced to spend their share of corporate earnings in favor of or against a particular candidate. Surely a First Amendment that protects corporate free speech protects individuals no less.
How sweet is that. It effectively turns the love for money against the power of money. How many people, whoever much they might want their corporations to influence things, arent going to want to pull in just that little bit extra money?
The best part? Republicans pretty much have to support such a bill, since they've spent so many years insisting that the same thing be done, as Robert said, to the Unions. To do anything else would reveal them as total hypocrits... oh wait...

never mind.

1 comment:

Kevin said...

Great post!