Sunday, August 27, 2006

...of a sort

Today, after nineteen days of 100 degrees or more, we finally had a day with a high of a mere NINETY-EIGHT!
Yay Team!
Personally, I think saying 98° isnt as bad as 100 is a lot like saying $2.93 a gallon for gas isnt as bad as $3.00. Yeah, it's less, but it still hurts. This makes 42 days so far this summer at 100° or more, and summer doesnt really end here until October. No really, it doesnt.

Watch for my Texas Calendar, and you'll see.

1 comment:

Omnipotent Poobah said...

You have my sympathies Brotha!

That was one of the nice things about moving to CA. We only have two seasons...IT'S ON FIRE! and WE'RE FLOODING!

Neither is normally very hot...unless you get to close to the brush fires.