Saturday, August 12, 2006

a snippet of a dream

this is St. Olaf, in case you were wonderingThis was part of a dream I had the other night: I was walking down a darkened hallway, or perhaps it was a city street. It was not a particularly menacing place, just a dark one, with dim triangles of light angling across the path and disappearing up the walls. Ahead, in the shadows, were two figures, cloaked in darkeness, playing catch from side to side. But when I got up to them, they had stopped, and no one was there except two saint statues, one of which was holding an orb. It was a sweet, playful moment amidst the usual intrigue, chasing, and real estate of my dreams.


United We Lay said...

There's a college boyfriend that I dream about. Every time I have a dream about him, he's just out of reach - behind glass, in a car, on the other side of a river, etc... I guess it says a lto about my psychie.

daveawayfromhome said...

Is he one of those didnt-let-it-get-to-the-full-potential-and-now-regretting-not-knowing relationships? I hate those. Regardless of whether you'd trade your life now or not (I wouldnt) you still wonder sometimes, usually at inconvienient times.

In college I had this dream where I was in love with a girl, then one day she just disappeared. I searched in my dream, then woke up. Even though I knew it was a dream, all day long I felt a profound sense of loss. It was actually kind of cool, because it showed the power (good or bad?) of dreams.