Wednesday, May 02, 2007

my, how times change

or, in this case, to lessen the reasons to have one. If you'ld like further proof that Big Daddy Dubya aint leading the Greatest Generation, redux, then listen to Ken Burns talk about his latest book. Or, just listen to a discussion on the Veto, including the idea that Bush may not be so much concerned with "losing" as being blamed for it.

Too late.


Omnipotent Poobah said...

In the immortal words of Dick Cheney, "You can't conserve your way out of an energy crisis."

In the immortal words of the Omnipotent Poobah, "Dick, you're a Dick."

rev. billy bob gisher ©2008 said...

i just love the root word in conservative.

daveawayfromhome said...

@ Poobah: Bread and circuses, man, bread and circuses. Keep the children amused and maybe they wont notice the Titanic is sinking.

@ the Rev: Republicans dont.

Anonymous said...

neocons don't have the slightest f'in clue , but neither does the hard left. The tools that are being used to divide us...slap a support the war sticker on this poster today and you are supporting the Bush administration, slap an environmentalist sticker on it and you are somehow supporting treason (or something pinko of some sort) Ijust don't get why the message in the poster isn't taken as common sense, wartime or not. I do, but doesn't make it any less frustrating. Maybe the trick is finding a different term for 'common' as it relates to 'common sense'

daveawayfromhome said...

The trick is to figure out how to wean our culture from its sense of entitlement. I bitch about the wealthy and their attitude that they deserve everything they get (and waste much of it), but using my favorite nations-as-people analogy, isnt the U.S. just one of those rich fuckers I despise so much? Really, hasnt the United States become the Paris Hilton of the World Community? What was it that Burns said; the proper emphasis should be on "shared", not "sacrifice". Sadly, our level civic responsibility has reached a point where this idea will be dismissed out of hand by much of our nation as a "socialist" attitude.

Anonymous said...

we are the 'rich' whore that is not only "pimping the insticts of our great grandsons and daughters" (Funkadelic, spoken-word intro to "Red Hot Mama") but we are currently 'pimping' our own instincts for the fast buck and easy out. I'm still convinced that we love the debate more than we want to seek a solution because we are "fat, horny, and strung-out" (same intro, may be a Parliament album, hard to sort thu all that wax) no matter the political affiliation. The 'world community' any European nation is just as bad. Pick up an arms rag and look at the home country of many of the subcontractors for our big boys. [Lockheed-Martin, Raytheon, etc.] You'll find that many of the subcontractors developing the components are French, Dutch, Danish, and German. A fine step would be to remove "person' status, legally speaking, from Corporations. Hit 'em in the loopholes no matter the nationality, party, or lobby machine. Eh? And let me make it very clear that while I'm not a 'liberal' I do beleive that this administration needs to be brought up on charges. Here's a semantic suggestion, instead of 'common sense' how about 'farm logic' but it would be a hard sell to the Paris Hilton Gone Wild crowd, not 'pretty' enough....

daveawayfromhome said...

That corporations are considered more people than people themselves is one of the great injustices of America.

I seem to be a liberal mostly because I have this crazy idea that when people do work for a rich guy, they ought to share in the rewards.

Oh, that and I question authority.

United We Lay said...

Excellent point, excellent poster. If they won't do it for the war effort or for the environment, I have no idea what will get Americans to wise up and stop endless consumption of materials.

daveawayfromhome said...

death. real or systemic