Friday, February 22, 2008

social studies

My wife's a teacher and this morning I found this on a sheet of paper she'd copied from one of her textbooks:
liberalism: A political and economic movement that began to flourish in the 18th and 19th centuries in Europe in response to the the arbitrary rule of absolute monarchs. In the political realm, this movement stresses the rule of law, individual liberty, universal rights, and adherence to constitutional procedures. In the economic arena it emphasizes free trade, individual property rights, and the removal of restraints on economic activity.
fascism: A political philosophy based on an extreme sense of nationalism and the concentration of power in strong, charismatic leaders. This philosophy holds that people are unequal and that human potential is best achieved through war and conquest. Thus, it denies the democratic notion that ordinary citizens should retain power.
Which one sounds to you more like the Republican Party?


Anonymous said...

The first one sounds like what they THINK they are and the second is what they ACTUALLY are.

Chance said...

The partly leaders know they're fascist. It's the rank and file who believe that Republicans believe what their platform states (small government, secure nation, etc --- all the things they vehemently DON'T stand for)

Chance said...

Party leaders, not partly leaders.