This isnt so much funny as it is pointed. It's also my response to this cartoon.
Since the McCain/Palin campaign has decided that because Barack Obama wants to tax people making over $250,000 in taxable income (which means a hell of a lot more than $250,000 in take-home pay) at a slightly higher rate than now, they can call it "socialism." Or, well, they can say that others say it's socialism and that, as McCain called the idea of "spread the wealth," Obama follows "one of the basic tenets of socialism." In doing this, McCain's campaign is focusing in on idiots as their base, the people who don't actually understand what socialism is (and being ably enabled by idiots in the conservative media).
So if all one needs to be a socialist is to believe that those with money should pay a bit more in taxes, if the bar is set so low, what other outre' political philosophies must Barack Obama be following?
1. Barack Obama must be an anarcho-syndicalist because he believes in the power of unions.
2. Barack Obama must be a Whig because he believes in the government's role in building infrastructure and education.
3. Barack Obama must be a Gaullist because he believes in regulating banks.
4. Barack Obama must be a neo-Aristotelianist because he was a community organizer.
5. Barack Obama must be a Dadaist because cow.
"With one week left in this campaign, the choice facing Americans is stark..."Damn straight it's stark. Which makes it all the more mind-boggling that Obama isnt sweeping the polls.
John McCain
lucy stern said...Taxes help nations run, without them nations die. They're like chores, and you need to do them whether you like it or not, otherwise your house ends up a mess. If you think your tax money is wasted, change what it's spent on. But dont whine like a teen-ager about how much you hate government, while electing a bunch of guys who run on a platform of Government-Doesnt-Work, and who then go on to (self)fulfill their own (and your) prophecy.
We are all effected by the capital gains taxes, many of our retirement accounts will be effected by them. Estate Taxes, haven't we already paid taxes on this before. When they were collecting estate death/taxes before, many families were loosing their farms or homes because of these taxes.
If you want a bigger piece of the "pie" go out and earn it. Many of the "poor" people don't pay any taxes and as you said the rich already pay 75% of the taxes, what do you want?
Only God can help us of Obama wins this presidency....he will have everyone in the poor house.
Assume there are 100 people who have $100 to split up. No one expects it to be divided perfectly evenly at $1 apiece, but everyone involved expects that some basic fairness will be used in the process that will split up the money.
Now let's say the $100 winds up being divided as follows:This is how our economic system has distributed the wealth of our country. It's so far from any type of fairness as to be laughable, were it not a direct cause of certain segments of our society lacking adequate resources for food, clothing, shelter, medical care and other necessities, let alone any amenities of a beyond-subsistence life. (props to The Rational Radical)
- 1 person gets
- 4 people get
- 5 people get
- 10 people get
- 20 people get
- 20 people get
- 40 people get
- $38.10 each
- $5.32 each
- $2.30 each
- $1.25 each
- .60 each
- .23 each
- 1/2 cent each
The [Rev. Wright] ad was duly denounced by The New York Times and other deep thinkers as racist. This was patently absurd. Racism is treating people differently and invidiously on the basis of race. Had any white presidential candidate had a close 20-year association with a white preacher overtly spreading race hatred from the pulpit, that candidate would have been not just universally denounced and deemed unfit for office but written out of polite society entirely.Excuse me?!
"The whole premise behind Senator Obama's plans are class warfare plus spread the wealth around."
John McCain
A commenter made this rebuttal, which I think was a good definition of the Republican Party:What Liberals Stand For
Republicans and conservatives have a standard chatter: They claim that Democrats are always whining, bereft of ideas, and don’t know what they stand for. Democrats, especially after they lost the presidency to George W Bush, often echo the Republicans on this. I’m here to state that this stereotype is wrong. Democrats have long been welded to liberalism, which, according to Paul Waldman, may be stated in one easily-articulated sentence:
"We are all in it together."
This is in stark contrast to what conservatives say:
"You are responsible for yourself."
While conservatives push the burden and responsibility and risks onto the shoulders of each individual, liberals - or as some call them, progressives - call for each of us to act in a way that is not only good for themselves personally but is also good for the country as a whole. Liberals believe that we are not alone, but part of a big society; that whatever each of us does affects the rest of us; that we are all in the same boat. We are part of a community.
Because liberals believe that "We are all in it together," they favor:
A MINIMUM WAGE - Helping poor workers will benefit other workers and improve our economy
UNIVERSAL HEALTH CARE - Improving the health of each of us improves the health of all of us and of the economy of the country
ENVIRONMENTAL ENHANCEMENT - Cleaning up our environment will improve the health and economic opportunities of each of us
ENERGY INDEPENDENCE - Reducing our dependence on foreign energy sources by developing sustainable sources of energy will make life easier for all of us and reduce our likelihood of getting involved in a foreign war
HELPING KATRINA VICTIMS - The government helps them now and we get into a position where the government may help any one of us (who knows whom or where or when) in the future
Of course, there are many other issues. But you get the picture.
Conservatives who believe in complete self-reliance will find fault with this liberal statement. Independents, however, may want to consider the value of our liberal belief that:
"We are all in it together."
If you are a Democrat, you should trumpet this phrase as your mantra.
You only made one small mistake. Conservatives do espouse the philosophy you have attributed to them as a blanket belief. True Conservatives, of which there are very few in positions of power and influence, believe that we are responsible for our own actions. That we learn from the mistakes and successes of the past and build on the good while rejecting the bad.This is a philosophy of government that I would like to see supported by a political force, and it's what the Republican Party ought to be working for, if only to keep Democrats from going nuts in their equally vital role of "progress".
True Conservatives also believe we are all in this together, just as you say the Liberals do. The only difference is Conservatives believe help and assistance is from individual to individual, not from government largesse. If you want a mantra for Conservatism, it could be:” Never believe the government should do for you what you can do for yourself, but do expect the government to help do what you can’t do.”
This means a limited, efficient, effective government that gives everyone an opportunity to achieve, but does not guarantee success.