Sunday, October 26, 2008

lions! tigers! bears!

The Republicans are running on the only thing they have left to run on:


Fear of the "socialist" coming to "take your money away" (even though if the nation's money were spread out evenly, 4 of 5 people would be better off - 2 of 5 by a margin of 200%).
Fear of government intrusion (seriously? What part of Bush's "warentless wiretapping" and "national database" do you not understand?).
Fear of Muslims, fear of education, fear of opinions, fear of homosexual contagion, fear of rioting, fear of the loss of armour-piercing bullets, fear of having to clean up after yourselves, fear of someone else cleaning up your mess and keeping something good they might find, fear of only having 10 choices instead of 20, fear of death, fear of minorities, fear of poor people, but always fear, fear, fear, fear.

Jesus, people, turn on a night-light and watch a John Wayne movie, but BUCK UP. I thought that liberals were supposed to be the pussies in this country, but I'm beginning to wonder if there's anything left that Republicans arent afraid of.

Mostly they seem to be afraid of losing, and considering the winner-take-all-but-prisoners attitude that the GOP has been taking the last few decades, maybe they ought to be.

A final point: In the movies, the monster is always the result of someone else's actions. In real life though, the monster is generally self-made.


Unknown said...

Alas, they are falling in their own self made pond scum. It is amazing how low these folks are going. And the political commercials are getting worse as well. Personally, I cannot wait until the election is over--i do not know how many more attack and blame ads I can sit through.

daveawayfromhome said...

The election cant end soon enough for me. I need to get it over with so I know how screwed I'm going to be.

The Republicans arent done yet. I think they'll cheat their way to continued semi-power (the power of irritation, if nothing else) and hope for a comeback.
We need a crushing defeat, and I dont see that happening, at least not by the polls, and if the polls dont show it, the electronic voting certainly wont.

Unknown said...

I have to admit, I truly hope you are wrong and that we take it all by a landslide. Enough is enough really. However, I was optimistic myself in the last presidential election, and all that got me was depression, Prozac, and a headacke. But there is hope. Today I voted and I hope that I am not disenfranchised for using a Bic pen instead of a fancier sort!

daveawayfromhome said...

I'm kind of curious what'll happen if Obama doesnt win. Will the Left take it lying down again, or will there be a sort of Blue Revolution? I see signs of a growing anger on the left, so it becomes a possibility.