Thursday, October 30, 2008

keeping it real?

One of the few nice things to come out of my father's death was the discovery that while my parents were typical old-person type conservatives, my Uncles were Bush-hating liberals. That was sweet, and I wish I'd known that years ago.
Today, Kel showed me (well, not me personally, but you get the idea) this blog, supposedly written by an 80+ year old woman in Texas. It's a marvelous blog, with superb prose, but I'm not sure I believe that it's real. The posts are pretty thin, except for October '08, and there's a year-wide gap between the current batch and the rest of the blog. Does that really mean anything? No, not necessarily, but if the blog suddenly dries up after November 4th, dont say I didnt warn you.
Which leads me to wonder: if this blog isnt real, how many others like it are there out there? And how many conservatives are reading blogs out there which are generated by the McCain side? And do any of them ever even suspect something might not be kosher? Questioning their leadership is not what one might describe as a Republican strong point (although they're terrific about questioning anyone elses).

One other thought: how many blogs out there are supposedly generated by supporters of one side, but are in fact generated by the other, and then used by that side to show how nutty the opposition "really" is? If it isnt happening this year, rest assured, it will happen in the future.

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