Tuesday, December 02, 2008

new header

The Brother called from overseas to tell me how wrong my new Christmas header was, so I'll replace it with a new one. Hope this one's okay.

Addendum, 3:44 pm

I couldnt do it. I hope the Brother saw it, I wish I'd gotten a look at his face when he did, but I couldnt leave that there. So there's a new, cleaner one.

Theses are fun to make, by the way.


Daniel Hoffmann-Gill said...

I kinda prefer the old one in a weird way, that old santa was a real sex treat...

Pryme said...

Ah, to be that candycane...

...um, huh with the what now?

Anonymous said...

Don't worry, I saw the candy cane header. Nice, but no subtlety at all. Good find on this one.