Wednesday, January 28, 2009

bringing meming to my life

because PIE is the nutritious one

Here's a meme that I just made up. I'm going to answer it, and, because I "belong" to the anti-tagging league (though I think I may be the only one in it, since I may have dreamed the Omnipotent Poobah's creation of it), I'm not going to ask anyone else to do it. If you choose to do so, then please let me know in the comments.

Name 5 things that are not true, but that you wouldnt mind if people thought they were:

  1. I am a world-class chess master.

  2. I am the illegitimate son of Edward Weston*.

  3. I would kill you for a cheeseburger.

  4. I did all the Wookie voices in Star Wars: the Clone Wars

  5. When I was 23, I won a small Parisian cooking contest with my Pasta de Bif et Fromage. I did not tell them it was just Hamburger Helper with corn and ranch beans.
That's it, I'm done. Feel free to join in, but I create no obligations.

* Sorry, mom.

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