Wednesday, February 18, 2009

not really funny

It's funny that many of the same people who insist that abstinence is the best way to prevent accidental teen pregnancy are also the same people who will tell you that education and training are the best way to prevent accidental firearm deaths.

Another thing that's "amusing" is that teen pregnancy is that it has been, for most of the history of mankind, completely normal and natural. Seems to me that the crisis in our society is not the "epidemic" of teen pregnancy, but that we havent given our children the emotional and psychological tools to either make decisions about sex, or to handle the consequences of those uniformed decisions. And ask yourself, who is at the forefront of such failure?


Pryme said...

Ah now I see where you post on my 13-yr-old-Dad was coming from.

As for Palin: someone suggested that with the whole flap over Obama's "proof of birth" there should have been some call for Bristol to prove that this baby is hers. I'm not prepared to go that far yet.

Also, with the Octuplet Mom being a recent news story, I'm curious as to how this affects the abortion debate (if at all). If the "pro-life" mantra is that every human life is precious, than a mom should be free to have eight children; but on the other hand, that's a big drain on resources. I have a feeling that the "pro-choice" crowd could use this, just not sure how yet.

daveawayfromhome said...

I'm not advocating teen pregnancy or anything here, I'm simply saying that those who advocate abstinence only training for our youth are battling against something like a million years of biology armed with nothing more than a book and their faith (and a powerful, yet in this context, impotent, political party). It's a battle they are guaranteed to lose.
Then combine that with a culture that coddles and excuses and "protects" people clear up to the age of 21 (when many are well past the point of easily learning anything), while at the same time immersing them in a purely commercial bath which sexualizes everything, and is it really all that surprising that we have the level of teen pregnancy that we have.
Between biology and the constant subliminal (and overt) messages pouring from every form of media (all driven by our almighty thirst for money), it's a wonder that we're not neckdeep in babies.

Daniel Hoffmann-Gill said...

I have no time for idiots that argue either of the daft concepts you outlined.

WHy aren't people more intelligent?

daveawayfromhome said...

Grumpy ol' Uncle Logician once said, "education is no panacea". He's right, as if that proves anything, but it's a damn sight better than ignorance.