Saturday, November 12, 2005


this "public reaction" from the Onion to rioting in France:
"This is the most exciting thing to happen in France since that red balloon got loose."
How's that for a time stamp?


United We Lay said...

I think we should be payign attention to this. It has a lot to do with racism. Though, I think the French should hold fast to their idea that government should be without relgion, and religious expression should be confined to places of worship and the home.

daveawayfromhome said...

whenever I hear descriptions of the mindset of terrorists, it sound just like the mindset of the kids who conducted the Columbine massacre. Maybe the French should be glad that it's only rioting.

rev. billy bob gisher ©2008 said...

less frenchies?

United We Lay said...

Maybe the French should send a clear message that they are not going to change their laws because of violence by deporting all of the rioters and freezing the entrance of all muslims to the country. There are social problems involved, but the main issue is a religious one, and the French government does not allow religion to influence their politics. If the muslim population is unhappy about that, the door swings both ways. The French have an excellent system of government, and as a result, have some reason to feel superior to the rest of us.

rev. billy bob gisher ©2008 said...

yea the schools are nice but how's the credit card holding up?